A Reflection from Behind the Barbed Wire
We couldn’t help but share these powerful words coming from an inmate in Newton, North Carolina.
We couldn’t help but share these powerful words coming from an inmate in Newton, North Carolina.
Christian 12 Step Ministry has made its mark for the Kingdom through its Student Correspondence Course. Written requests for this course are received every day. These requests come from men and women…
Social Services of all kinds are buckling under the tremendous burden of needs created by those struggling in addiction. To read about the effects of drug addiction on society click here: livestrong.com.…
Our 20th Annual Benefit – “The Modern Mob Returns!” will be hosted at the Country Club of Ocala on April 25, 2024!
We are eager to take the helm of the Christian 12 Step Program under the direction of our great Savior Jesus Christ.
This work came to us from a man whose life is being restored through a local program. Logos lodge is a 10-month Christ-centered, drug and alcohol regeneration program for men.
We couldn’t help but share these powerful words coming from an inmate in Newton, North Carolina.
Christian 12 Step Ministry has made its mark for the Kingdom through its Student Correspondence Course. Written requests for this course are received every day. These requests come from men and women…
Social Services of all kinds are buckling under the tremendous burden of needs created by those struggling in addiction. To read about the effects of drug addiction on society click here: livestrong.com.…
Our 20th Annual Benefit – “The Modern Mob Returns!” will be hosted at the Country Club of Ocala on April 25, 2024!
We are eager to take the helm of the Christian 12 Step Program under the direction of our great Savior Jesus Christ.
This work came to us from a man whose life is being restored through a local program. Logos lodge is a 10-month Christ-centered, drug and alcohol regeneration program for men.